Zero PluginΒΆ

The zero plugin allows you to null fields before writing tags to files. Fields can be nulled unconditionally or by pattern match. For example, it can be used to strip useless comments like “ripped by” etc or any other stuff you hate. Library is not modified.

To use plugin, enable it by including zero into plugins line of your beets config:

plugins = zero

To configure the plugin, use a [zero] section in your configuration file. Set fields to the (whitespace-separated) list of fields to null. You can get the list of available fields by running beet fields. To conditionally filter a field, use field=regexp regexp to specify regular expressions.

For example:

fields=month day genre comments
# Custom regexp patterns for each field, separated by spaces:
comments=EAC LAME from.+collection ripped\sby
genre=rnb power\smetal

If custom pattern is not defined, field will be nulled unconditionally. Note that the plugin currently does not zero fields when importing “as-is”.

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