.beetsconfig ============ The ``beet`` command reads configuration information from ``~/.beetsconfig`` on Unix-like OSes (inluding Mac OS X) and ``%APPDATA%\beetsconfig.ini`` on Windows. The file is in INI format. Options ------- These options are available, all of which must appear under the ``[beets]`` section header: library ~~~~~~~ Path to the beets library file. Defaults to ``~/.beetsmusic.blb`` on Unix and ``%APPDATA\beetsmusic.blb`` on Windows. directory ~~~~~~~~~ The directory to which files will be copied/moved when adding them to the library. Defaults to ``~/Music``. import_write ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Either ``yes`` or ``no``, controlling whether metadata (e.g., ID3) tags are written to files when using ``beet import``. Defaults to ``yes``. The ``-w`` and ``-W`` command-line options override this setting. import_copy ~~~~~~~~~~~ Either ``yes`` or ``no``, indicating whether to **copy** files into the library directory when using ``beet import``. Defaults to ``yes``. Can be overridden with the ``-c`` and ``-C`` command-line options. The option is ignored if ``import_move`` is enabled (i.e., beets can move or copy files but it doesn't make sense to do both). import_move ~~~~~~~~~~~ Either ``yes`` or ``no``, indicating whether to **move** files into the library directory when using ``beet import``. Defaults to ``no``. The effect is similar to the ``import_copy`` option but you end up with only one copy of the imported file. ("Moving" works even across filesystems; if necessary, beets will copy and then delete when a simple rename is impossible.) Moving files can be risky—it's a good idea to keep a backup in case beets doesn't do what you expect with your files. This option *overrides* ``import_copy``, so enabling it will always move (and not copy) files. The ``-c`` switch to the ``beet import`` command, however, still takes precedence. import_resume ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Either ``yes``, ``no``, or ``ask``. Controls whether interrupted imports should be resumed. "Yes" means that imports are always resumed when possible; "no" means resuming is disabled entirely; "ask" (the default) means that the user should be prompted when resuming is possible. The ``-p`` and ``-P`` flags correspond to the "yes" and "no" settings and override this option. import_incremental ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Either ``yes`` or ``no``, controlling whether imported directories are recorded and whether these recorded directories are skipped. This corresponds to the ``-i`` flag to ``beet import``. import_quiet_fallback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Either ``skip`` (default) or ``asis``, specifying what should happen in quiet mode (see the ``-q`` flag to ``import``, above) when there is no strong recommendation. import_timid ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Either ``yes`` or ``no``, controlling whether the importer runs in *timid* mode, in which it asks for confirmation on every autotagging match, even the ones that seem very close. Defaults to ``no``. The ``-t`` command-line flag controls the same setting. import_log ~~~~~~~~~~ Specifies a filename where the importer's log should be kept. By default, no log is written. This can be overridden with the ``-l`` flag to ``import``. ignore ~~~~~~ A space-separated list of glob patterns specifying file and directory names to be ignored when importing. Defaults to ``.* *~`` (i.e., ignore Unix-style hidden files and backup files). .. _replace: replace ~~~~~~~ A set of regular expression/replacement pairs to be applied to all filenames created by beets. Typically, these replacements are used to avoid confusing problems or errors with the filesystem (for example, leading ``.`` characters are replaced on Unix and trailing whitespace is removed on Windows). To override these substitutions, specify a sequence of whitespace-separated terms; the first term is a regular expression and the second is a string that should replace anything matching that regex. For example, ``replace = [xy] z`` will make beets replace all instances of the characters ``x`` or ``y`` with the character ``z``. If you do change this value, be certain that you include at least enough substitutions to avoid causing errors on your operating system. Here are the default substitutions used by beets, which are sufficient to avoid unexpected behavior on all popular platforms:: replace = [\\/] _ ^\. _ [\x00-\x1f] _ [<>:"\?\*\|] _ \.$ _ \s+$ These substitutions remove forward and back slashes, leading dots, and control characters—all of which is a good idea on any OS. The fourth line removes the Windows "reserved characters" (useful even on Unix for for compatibility with Windows-influenced network filesystems like Samba). Trailing dots and trailing whitespace, which can cause problems on Windows clients, are also removed. To replace space characters, use the ``\s`` (whitespace) entity:: replace = \s _ ... This will avoid using a literal space and thus confusing beets. (``\s`` also matches tabs and newlines, but that is probably fine.) To remove characters entirely, use ```` as the replacement. For example, to remove all vowels from your filenames:: replace = [aeiou] ... .. _art-filename: art_filename ~~~~~~~~~~~~ When importing album art, the name of the file (without extension) where the cover art image should be placed. Defaults to ``cover`` (i.e., images will be named ``cover.jpg`` or ``cover.png`` and placed in the album's directory). plugins ~~~~~~~ A space-separated list of plugin module names to load. For instance, beets includes the BPD plugin for playing music. pluginpath ~~~~~~~~~~ A colon-separated list of directories to search for plugins. These paths are just added to ``sys.path`` before the plugins are loaded. The plugins still have to be contained in a ``beetsplug`` namespace package. threaded ~~~~~~~~ Either ``yes`` or ``no``, indicating whether the autotagger should use multiple threads. This makes things faster but may behave strangely. Defaults to ``yes``. color ~~~~~ Either ``yes`` or ``no``; whether to use color in console output (currently only in the ``import`` command). Turn this off if your terminal doesn't support ANSI colors. timeout ~~~~~~~ The amount of time that the SQLite library should wait before raising an exception when the database lock is contended. This should almost never need to be changed except on very slow systems. Defaults to 5.0 (5 seconds). .. _list_format_item: list_format_item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Format to use when listing *individual items* with the ``beet list`` command. Defaults to ``$artist - $album - $title``. The ``-f`` command-line option overrides this setting. .. _list_format_album: list_format_album ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Format to use when listing *albums* with the ``beet list`` command. Defaults to ``$albumartist - $album``. The ``-f`` command-line option overrides this setting. .. _per_disc_numbering: per_disc_numbering ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A boolean controlling the track numbering style on multi-disc releases. By default (``per_disc_numbering: no``), tracks are numbered per-release, so the first track on the second disc has track number N+1 where N is the number of tracks on the first disc. If this ``per_disc_numbering`` is enabled, then the first track on each disc always has track number 1. import_delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Either ``yes`` or ``no``. When enabled in conjunction with ``import_copy``, deletes original files after they are copied into your library. Has no effect if the importer is in ``import_move`` mode or "leave files in place" mode. Defaults to ``no``. This option is historical and deprecated: it's almost always more appropriate to use ``import_move`` instead. .. _path-format-config: Path Format Configuration ------------------------- You can also configure the directory hierarchy beets uses to store music. These settings appear under the ``[paths]`` section (rather than the main ``[beets]`` section we used above). Each string is a template string that can refer to metadata fields like ``$artist`` or ``$title``. The filename extension is added automatically. At the moment, you can specify three special paths: ``default`` for most releases, ``comp`` for "various artist" releases with no dominant artist, and ``singleton`` for non-album tracks. The defaults look like this:: [paths] default: $albumartist/$album%aunique{}/$track $title singleton: Non-Album/$artist/$title comp: Compilations/$album%aunique{}/$track $title Note the use of ``$albumartist`` instead of ``$artist``; this ensure that albums will be well-organized. For more about these format strings, see :doc:`pathformat`. The ``aunique{}`` function ensures that identically-named albums are placed in different directories; see :ref:`aunique` for details. In addition to ``default``, ``comp``, and ``singleton``, you can condition path queries based on beets queries (see :doc:`/reference/query`). There's one catch: because the ``:`` character is reserved for separating the query from the template string, the ``_`` character is substituted for ``:`` in these queries. This means that a config file like this:: [paths] albumtype_soundtrack: Soundtracks/$album/$track $title will place soundtrack albums in a separate directory. The queries are tested in the order they appear in the configuration file, meaning that if an item matches multiple queries, beets will use the path format for the *first* matching query. Note that the special ``singleton`` and ``comp`` path format conditions are, in fact, just shorthand for the explicit queries ``singleton_true`` and ``comp_true``. In contrast, ``default`` is special and has no query equivalent: the ``default`` format is only used if no queries match. Example ------- Here's an example file:: [beets] library: /var/music.blb directory: /var/mp3 path_format: $genre/$artist/$album/$track $title import_copy: yes import_write: yes import_resume: ask import_art: yes import_quiet_fallback: skip import_timid: no import_log: beetslog.txt ignore: .AppleDouble ._* *~ .DS_Store art_filename: albumart plugins: bpd pluginpath: ~/beets/myplugins threaded: yes color: yes [paths] default: $genre/$albumartist/$album/$track $title singleton: Singletons/$artist - $title comp: $genre/$album/$track $title albumtype_soundtrack: Soundtracks/$album/$track $title [bpd] host: port: 6600 password: seekrit (That ``[bpd]`` section configures the optional :doc:`BPD ` plugin.) Location -------- The configuration file is typically located at ``$HOME/.beetsconfig``. If you want to store your ``.beetsconfig`` file somewhere else for whatever reason, you can specify its path by setting the ``BEETSCONFIG`` environment variable. .. only:: man See Also -------- ``http://beets.readthedocs.org/`` :manpage:`beet(1)`